
毕业论文提纲 2023-12-02 网络整理 晴天


  how to choose a suitable subject

  whenever you plan and write a paper, you should keep these questions in mind:

  what is my subject and what do i know about it?

  choose a subject that you care about and know about (or can find out about).

  who is my audience?

  what you say about your subject depends greatly on who reads it. you must choose a subject that will interest your audience and try to present it interestingly.

  what is my purpose?

  you always communicate for a purpose—either to inform, to persuade, or to entertain.

  what must you write in a thesis?

  in the limited space of a thesis, you can’t say everything, so you must settle on the most important, most relevant, and most interesting.

  factors influencing the choice:

  there are several factors which will influence your decision on which subject you are going to write about:

  interest/experience/science value/ability  /scope of knowledge/purpose…

  how to get a title?

  we have two ways to get a title:

  given by teachers

  designed by yourself

  they both have their advantages. for the former, you will have a definite direction to guide you to the end, while, for the latter, it can be more flexible for you and everything depends on yourself.

  what is a good title?

  a good title, usually created after some paragraphs or a theme is written, does two things:

  1. it suggests what the subject of the thesis will be;

  2. it sparks the reader’s interest

  some basic kinds of titles

  no-nonsense descriptive title:   e.g.:

  advantages and disadvantages of multimedia teaching

  two-part titles   e.g.:

  sugar: the hidden drug

  rhetorical question. then answer the question in your theme. e.g.:

  what can be done about cet-4?

  some basic kinds of titles

  relate the title to the method of development used :

  descriptive:     portrait of a teacher

  illustration:      three roles i play

  comparison:   crazy english: the new all  physical response  approach

  contrast:         pleasures and problems of owning  a  computer

  definition:       a definition of clt

  persuasion:    the need for discipline in university

  classification: three types of education

  process:          how to teach young children  english

  how long should a title usually be?

  a title is usually four to five words long and is rarely an entire sentence. (1—10 words is more practical.)

  notice:we can’t write anything with the title “on…”, because this small “on” is too big for us.

  notice:the title is centered on the page above the body of the thesis and separated from it by one inch.

  a puzzle

  what is “make a fuss over a trifle”?

  that is a principle for us when we write a thesis: write as much as possible on a small title. when we write a thesis, we must make a full consideration of whether the possibility to choose a “big” or a “small” topic comparatively.

  disadvantages for a “big” topic

  a big topic needs collecting more materials. so it is more difficult for beginners.

  hard to control. if there are too many sides in a thesis for us to make clear, the chance to be successful is very slim.

  hard to make clear about the statement within limited words (about 6000 words). everything will stay on the surface.12

  time problem (2-3months)


  remember: to see a student’s standard of writing isn’t by how “big” his or her topic is, but by his or her ability to find problems, analyze problems and solve problems.


  commonly, we can divide titling into four  levels, for example:

  subject:               elt methodology

  limited subject: modern english teaching methods

  initial topic:        clt : a modern teaching  method

  topic:                 clt in grammar teaching


  choose a subject that you would be likely to write about and try to title your paper.

  consideration:when we make a title of a thesis, what factors should we consider?



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