
毕业论文提纲 2023-12-02 网络整理 晴天


  is it good to write the first draft fast or slowly?  suggestion:

  write it fast

  make the trains of thought clearly

  arrange details and generality properly

  make a clear and exact statement, not in the topic but all through the thesis

  set forth your statement in the instruction directly

  use direct quotations properly

  put it aside for one or two days

  write a sound conclusion

  proper use of space

  arrange the space in the first draft properly

  leave enough space between lines so that you can add content.

  stick or paste your notes or valuable materials in the empty space between lines, if possible.

  leave enough margins to write down “the original place and the author” of the materials

  chapter 6 quotation, instruction and conclusion


  it is not good to use so many direct quotations in your writing. and we mainly have two ways to quote something to help us to support our statement.

  direct quotation:sayings/proverbs/anecdotes/illustrations/indirect quotation

  use what others say in your own words to support your statement.


  where should we place the thesis statement in the instruction?

  at the beginning

  at the end

  functions of introduction

  an introduction has two functions:

  contain the thesis statement, which should be placed at the beginning or at the end of the instruction so that the readers can be able to spot the statement easily.

  interest the reader enough so that he or she will want to continue reading the paper.


  there is no best way to introduce a thesis, but you should certainly avoid beginning your work with “i’m going to discuss…” or “this theme is about…” you needn’t tell the reader you are about to begin; just begin!

  seven basic methods for beginning

  begin with a single-sentence thesis statement.

  e.g. final examination should be abolished.

  begin with an illustration.

  begin with a rhetorical question.

  e.g. just what skills should an effective reader have?

  begin with a surprising fact or idea.

  begin with a contradiction.

  begin with a general idea and then pass on a specific thesis statement.

  begin with a direct quotation.

  other ways to introduce

  definitions, comparisons, or any other kinds of devices you have already studied can make good instructions.

  just make sure the reader knows which sentence is your thesis statement.


  a conclusion also has two functions. what are they?

  a conclusion signals the end of the essay and leaves the reader with a final thought.


  like introductions, conclusions can take many forms, and the right one for your essay depends on how you wish to complete your paper, with what thought you wish to leave the reader. however, never conclude your paper with “as i said in the beginning,” and try to avoid the overused “in conclusion” or “in summary”. don’t end by saying you are going to end; just end!

  three ways to conclude:

  end with a call to action. the call to action says that, in views of the facts and ideas in the essay, the reader should do something. for example:unite, all the workers in the world!

  end with a final point. the final point can tie together with all the other ideas in the essay; it provides the reader with the sense that the entire essay has been leading up to this final point.

  end with a question. by ending with a question, you leave the reader with a final problem that you wish him or her to think about.12

  other ways to conclude:

  and to conclude in the ways of  the subject’s significance, the solution to the problem, quotation, or recommendation can be also effective.







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