
军训心得体会 2022-02-02 网络整理 晴天




  It's really a tiring day today!

  As usual,all of us gathered at the square at 7 o'clock.But as soon as I get there,I felt the air temperature is higher than yesterday.I think it'll be a very tough day!

  Our first task is to practice the shooting skills.First,the commander talked to us about the right gesture,then he bent down and set an example to us.After that,we began to practice the shooting gestures by ourselves.And he went about to correct us if we didin't do well.After a while,all of us passed the commander's test.

  At about ten,we had to pracitice walking.At that time,it was very hot,all of us were sweating greatly.However,all of us insisted to the end!

  Even though I'm very tired,I'm very happy.Because I have strengthened my will,which will be very useful in my future life.

  篇二:Military Training

  There is no denying the fact that it has been a hotly debated topic whether students should attend military training in China in the past years. Opinions on this issue differ sharply. Some hold the positive view. They say that the training can not only build up students' bodies but also temper their willpower. Besides, through the training, students can develop their team-spirit and sense of discipline.

  Others, however, hold the opposite view. They say that a short period of training as students are having now cannot work well in building up their bodies or strengthen their will. Instead, we should lay emphasis on their daily exercise and activities for such purpose. What's more, a sudden increase of intense physical exercise, especially during summer, does harm to students' health and may even cause deaths. What happened in the past years has proved this.

  Weighing the pros and cons of these arguments, I am inclined to agree with the former point of view. Military training is not only a means to strengthen student's physique and willpower, but also an effective way to enhance their sense of national defense and foster their patriotism. Though some deaths happened during the training, we should not give up eating for fear of choking. Besides, the deaths are perfect evidence that students need more such training. Of course, measures should be taken to ensure that the least harm is done to the trainees.

  篇三:Military training life

  weeks ago ,I had a military training . Many students think military training is not only boring but also terrible .but I don't think so .In my opinion ,military training life is wonderful .At first ,I'm afraid of joining military training ,at that time ,I think military training is scaring ,but I have to take part in it ,because I'm a student .I have to obey the school regulations .But in fact ,we are wrong,military training is cold .but at the same time ,military training also brings happiness for us.For example , in our spare time ,the commander taught us singing songs,or had a singing match with other classes .On September third ,we had a match with Class Five .

  First ,one of the girls from Class Five sang songs ,she sang very well,I thought . Next, other students also performed the programmes ,some sang ,some dancd ,and another students told jokes . Finally ,our class won the first prize ,the other class' students are also very happy ,although they failed in the match .

  All in all ,all of us were very happy .What a happy day it was ! I've never forgotten that day.


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