
开学第一课专题 2024-04-20 网络整理 晴天




  On the evening of September 2, 20xx, I watched the first lesson of the year with my mother. This year, the theme of this program is "beauty is around", and I am most touched by Zhang Li, the most beautiful teacher.

  The evening of May 8th, in Heilongjiang, the fourth middle school of Jiamusi city in front of the door, just a group of students preparing to cross the street when a car suddenly rushed out of control, another passenger car parked on the roadside in front and rear end collision, knocked into the bus was about to cross the road of female teachers in nineteen middle school in Jiamusi, Zhang Lili and the students. Critical moment, this can escape escape Zhang Lili, desperate to save students, but he was involved in the wheel.

  The most beautiful teacher she has the courage, sacrifice of the noble sentiments, she has a dedication, educating the lofty occupation spirit.

  This is the most beautiful teacher on the dedication and loyalty of the noble qualities of students, and the heart of love for example the best interpretation of the noble morality, on her body confirms the extraordinary ordinary, common in the high, set an example for all walks of life.

  After reading "the first lesson", after listening to the most beautiful story of a teacher, I would like to sincerely heart to every teacher say; teacher, you have worked hard, I wish you happy every day.

  There are good things around us, but we lack the understanding and understanding of beauty.

  The beauty of life can be seen everywhere. As long as we look for it and experience it, we will find that beauty is around us.

  Beauty comes from life, is good at discovering the beauty of life, and is good at getting inspiration from life. You will feel that many wonderful things in your life are around you, and you will feel that life is rich and colorful!

  As far as we are concerned, we have passed the exam, improved grades, improved compositions, and this is success. It should be happy and should be attributed to the United states.

  If you have eyes that are good for you, life will be given to you. In fact, read it, and read it with heart, and you will find the beauty is right beside you! Beauty is with us.


  On the afternoon of September 9th, we watched the first lesson of our school in our classrooms.

  By watching this year on the first lesson, most impressed me is the story "blind" Liu Hao. Blind Liu Hao won the third-prize in International Piano competition.Liu Hao, the blind boy can play the piano so well, let alone such a healthy child?Although he has lost the light, his heart is always open. He feels happiness and feels happy with his heart.

  I also think the most beautiful girl - Meng Peijie, this chapter story is very moving. Her parents died when she was five years old. Brought her up by a foster mother. At the age of eight, the mother was ill and could only lie in bed every day. Every morning, she must get up early to pit heat, prepare the meals, help the mother wipe the face, 30 legs and 20 from supine to do. Having done so, she had to run to school in order to get to school on time.

  Happiness has a section of the ladder, he can expand, you can expand small, depending on whether you go to treasure. When we are happy, we must say to ourselves, "we must treasure this moment."! Happiness will be with us for a long time. Don't we have more happiness then?

  The first lesson of the school let us understand what happiness is and how to be happy. Learning, living and growing are the foundation of tomorrow's happiness. We should live a happy life with a positive attitude and have a happy childhood!


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