
论文致谢信 2023-09-30 网络整理 晴天



  This thesis would never have materialized without the help and support frommany parties.

  First, I'd like to express my sincere gratitude to my supervisor in China ForeignAffairs University, Professor Zhang Xiaoli, who gave me a lot of useful andconstructive advice on my thesis. With his professional and academic knowledge, hetaught me how to do research, how to revise the thesis. Whenever I sent him ane-mail concerning my thesis, he replied soon. He spent a lot of time reading andcorrecting my thesis. Only under his guidance and encouragement could I finish thisthesis.

  I am also indebted to all my teachers in the English Department of ChinaForeign Affairs University. As a teacher myself, I learned a lot about interpretation,translation, culture and teaching methods from them, which is helpful to my job.

  I wish to express my thanks to my leader, dean of the Department of AppliedLinguistics, Capital Medical University. She encouraged me constantly to finish thestudy.

  At last, I want to thank my husband and other family members and relatives,who showed their concern and support when I pursued my study.


  This thesis would not have been possible without the guidance and help fromseveral individuals who contributed and extended their valuable assistance in thepreparation and completion of my study.

  First and foremost, my utmost gratitude to my supervisor at China Foreign AffairsUniversity, Dr. Lu Xiaohong, for her guidance, understanding, patience, and most ofall, her support during my writing of the thesis paper. She has spent so much of hertime giving me direction and reading, correcting my thesis paper. Without her advices,I would have been lost in a wrong field.

  I would also like to thank all of my teachers in the English Department of ChinaForeign Affairs University, especially to Professor Shi Yi, Professor Sun Jisheng,Professor Song Aiqun, Professor He Qun and Professor Cui Changqing. I have learneda lot from them during my time at this university, and I will always miss the time Ihave spent together with them in the classroom.

  I would like to express my thanks to all faculty members who have provided usnumerous support and help.

  Finally, and most importantly, I would like to thank my parents. Their support,encouragement, quiet patience and unwavering love are the driving power of my work.

  I thank my son, Gao Zizheng, who always cheers me up and brings inspirations to me.


  First and foremost, I would like to extend my deeply sincere gratitude to my respectablesupervisor,Professor Yan Jinglan, who has guided me to the world of InterculturalCommunication Studies and inspired me greatly in the study, and encouraged me to make abold attempt in writing this thesis. Her profound learning, inspiring inculcation and constantstrictness have stimulated my enthusiasm for working on the subject and thesis. Without herenlightened instruction and patient revision,it would be impossible for the accomplishment ofmy thesis.

  I am also obliged to Professor Wang Zhiqin, Professor Yang Huimin and Professor ChenLi, who asked me enlightening questions during thesis proposal defense and inspired me toretrospect my study on discourse analysis. My special thanks are due to those teachers,Professor Shao Zhihong,Professor Yu Jianguo, and Professor Wang Jianguo,whose classeslead me to learn more about translation theories,linguistic corpus knowledge, which alsoenlighten my construction on the thesis. Besides, my gratitude also goes to all other teacherswho have offered me help in the School of Foreign Languages at East China University ofScience and Technology during my two and a half years' study.

  Finally,I am also deq?ly grateful to my family for their love,understanding andencouragement. It is the mental,spiritual and financial support from my parents to keep meinsisting on completing the thesis; especially I wish to dedicate this thesis to my dear motherwho contributed herself to my life and study through the past twenty-four years.


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