
自我介绍范文 2023-08-15 网络整理 晴天














  Good morning ladies and gentalmen:

  Welcome to china and welcome to Anyang. Today, I appreciate with this such great joy ,I’m from Anyang culture relic site management. on behalf of colleagues. I would like to extend our warmest welcome to all of you , our distinguished guests from the other side of the pacific . I also hope that during your short stay in Beijing , you can not only satisfy your eyes and stomach, but also experience the real Chinese culture and have a better understanding of our Chinese people and its on-going reforms, which shaped the greatness of China.

  And now , please allow me to say a few words about myself.

  My name’s Chen . You can call me Chen . Chen is one of the biggest family names in China which date back to thousands of years ago. To be honest , I’m not sure it’s all because I crazily crushed on history or something about my Libra personality. I like the kind of fulfilling and freely job. So , well , when I step into colleage I choose turism as my major . Before I graduate, I got the National Tour Guide Certificate. Today I’ll take you to visit one of the world hertitage----The Yin Ruins.

  Covering an area of 24 square KM,the Yin Ruins at xiaotun village was the site of an ancient capital city 3000 years ago.

  In ancient times,xiaotun was called Yin to which king Pangeng of the shang Dynasty migrated his capital. As a capital for 273 years, it saw 12 kings and 8 generations .The period was called the Yin shang or the Yin Dynasty in history. The city declined after the Yin had been overthrown and the remains of the Shang Dynasty was latter called the Yin Ruins.

  In 1961,the Yin Ruins was listed as the first group of culture relics under state-level protection .In order to prevent it from further damage and preserve the culture it represents.Garden of Yin Ruins was built on the site of the Ruins in 1987.

  Well,the whole garden is skillfully designed and built on the exact site of the original buildings.All the buildings in the garden are built on rammed terraces with thatched double-eaved roofs. The rafters beams are decorated with fine carvings of dragon, cicade and other animals.

  Ok, now we’re in the main entrance to the garden,it’s a specially designed gate built in the way, the word “gate”was finely carved with beautiful designs of dragon,phoenix,tiger,cicada and so on. On the top of the gate is the words”Garden of the Yin Ruins”,written by Mr.Zhougu cheng,a famous historian in China. The garden is divided into several sections.

  Ok, now let’s first come to the main hall where the oracle inscriptions are showed. The oracle inscriptions were first discovered here in the 25th year of the Emperor Guangxu of the Qing Dynasty. The 15 important archaeological excavations were carried within 10 years.More than160,000 pieces of shells and bones with inscriptions were found. As the earliest characters, the inscriptions marked a recorded history of nearly 4,000 years in China. They were used as divinations in the Shang Dynasty.when people they were very superstitious.The contents of these inscriptions cover wide fields, ranging from sacrifice wars,states affairs to weather,hunting etc, and provide important information for the study of the Shang society.

  Well, apart from the oracle inscriptions , bronze wares are another part of the culture relics unearthed from the ruins,which shows that the technology of bronze casting

  reachedits peak in the Shang Dynasty.The bronze wares include vessels,weapons,chariots and so on. “simuwuding” a bronze object weighing 875kilograms,is 1.33 merters long and 0.78 meter wide .Elegant in appearance and intricately carved in patterns.It’s the best of bronze wares unearthed so far in the world . There are also many other artifacts excaveted in the Yin Ruins including pottery objects, stone and brone objects,jade, shell objects, lacquer ware , ivory carvings and bamboo articles, all beautiful in shape and well made.


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