
自我评价 2023-08-11 网络整理 晴天




  I am cheerful, warm and generous, honest and hardworking, motivated, savvy high, there is a strong sense of corporate honor. Great sense of responsibility. What is only a small matter from the start, the world is not the best, only better!

  In the mall brand clothing sales for two years, have some sales skills and experience.

  Before the bookstore in the chain book sales and cash register, has accumulated a certain experience in the cash register, books, sales, there is a certain understanding.

  Pragmatic and sincere, have the work of patience, careful treatment of every thing.

  1. With 5 years of financial management experience, familiar with the domestic enterprise accounting standards, the degree of tax system.

  2. Skilled use of erp software, with continuous learning ability.

  3. Strong personality, clear thinking, good at grasping the financial information for induction, analysis, summary, with modern financial management philosophy.

  4. With good team spirit, work carefully and meticulously, can quickly adapt to the new environment, a strong sense of responsibility, and can withstand greater work pressure.


  Time, the blink of an eye three years of work and life will soon be over, work since the unit leaders carefully nurtured and taught through their own continuous efforts, whether it is ideology, learning or work, have made considerable development And the great harvest!

  Strong sense of responsibility, strong ability of adaptability, attentive attitude, with more than * years of financial management experience and * years of accounting firm management experience, good coordination and communication skills, good at communication, with a certain leadership Ability, in character, honesty and trustworthiness, loyalty, kindness, humility, optimism; in business, with overall business processing and good professional judgment ability, good at financial analysis, proficient in financial tax system, can complete the financial work independently. Familiar with the use of national tax, land tax, finance, banking, industry and commerce, statistical statements and anti - counterfeit tax control software, skilled use of computers to solve financial problems.

  I think that is a responsible, positive, hard-working people, because like English, so engaged in the work, hoping to use their own learning to work to improve their own at the same time, bring benefits to the company! In the work summary is good at finding their own shortcomings and efforts to correct.

  In the future work, I will continue to exercise to improve themselves and strive to be a good worker.I hope to use my beautiful youth, to ignite the surrounding every guest, inspire colleagues to inspire together for our cause dedication, Enterprising, a better tomorrow


  Strong dedication and curiosity, is my belief in survival and weapons. I learned not only how to learn, but also let me learn how to be a man, this is my greatest achievement. There is no innovation without long-term survival, a bold attempt is my style. I am in school, thinking positive progress, the concept of innovation, simple life, learning hard, not only actively to move closer to the party, but also won several scholarships.

  Has a solid professional knowledge, from the junior I began to prepare CPA review and examination, which further deepened my understanding of the professional knowledge and master. As a graduate, there will be a lack of work experience, so during the study I have been using a variety of opportunities in the accounting profession internship and part-time. I also found that the actual work is far more complicated than the book knowledge, but I have a strong sense of responsibility, adaptability and learning ability, and more diligent, so in the internship can be successful completion of the work, the experience gained from Let me benefit greatly, please rest assured your company, school and internships, part-time work experience so that I will be able to do the job.

  Positive social activities, good communication skills, have a certain organizational skills and thinking. In the group, the collective can always be the interests of the most important, has a strong sense of collective honor, the first group after the individual is my loyalty to the concept of the company.

  Like to get to know people, love all kinds of sports activities, and often participate in recreational activities, many times in the national competition in the province to obtain excellent results. Is a loyal computer enthusiasts, like the Internet to wander, exchange and study, read the news, blog, and postings and so on.


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