
自我评价 2023-08-24 网络整理 晴天




  Hello! My name is XXX, is the company XX sector, from the XX time to enter the company to the full XX time now, in the company of the time, the company of my help and give me the working environment I am very satisfied, Satisfied with the work environment to do a good job of their own work at the same time do not forget to improve their own time, whether the ability to work or work enthusiasm, I are actively integrated into the company's work atmosphere, the true feelings of the corporate culture.

  At work, I think I work hard to play their role in the work, with practical action to honor the company for my recognition and support, both from work or work content, I have to do in all aspects of their own to do the most The good side, reflecting the good self-worth.

  Through their own tireless efforts and adapt to the company's work and life in the process, he clearly felt the company's environment in the growth and change, the ability to work has been further improved, so that more effective and reasonable arrangements and planning their own career Career, and better able to grow for the company to make their own contribution.

  In their own qualitative change at the same time, the company is also changing, personal ability to enhance the needs of the company's support and concern, so I would like to personal life and his own improvement in the company, some changes, I hope the company in my Wages can give the company the appropriate upgrade, my vision is XXX salary, hoping to get the company's support and understanding, I will, as always, work hard to make my company feel my progress.

  I hope that my application can be recognized and agreed to the company, if there is any need to communicate where I am ready to cooperate with the company's ideas and views.


  Hello, everyone, since November xxxx was hired as a practicing physician in our hospital has been 5 years, in the past few years of learning and exercise, so I have a better understanding of public health this work, Work has also been a deeper feeling, the following will be the past few years to sum up the work and thought to tell you about:

  1. in thought; Strictly abide by the rules and regulations of the hospital, obey the hospital's leadership and arrangements, conscientiously perform the duties of public health physicians. Always keep in mind that he is a physician, he had made a promise in the medical student declaration made before, with a sincere heart of sincerity to help me met every person.

  2. Working in the Department of Prevention, the main task is to plan immunization. Participate in all aspects of vaccination. In the vaccination from the recipient to the seed recipients who have strict requirements on all aspects of any part of a problem that may cause serious and even the risk of death. As a pre-hospital staff, I always bear in mind that we must carefully and firmly remember the contraindications of various vaccines, attention, every parent, every child should be seriously asked, if you can not be vaccinated, even if Parents strongly request vaccination, can not by any of the. After several years of unremitting efforts and pursuit, in many times with my school faculty chat have been my school the majority of staff praise, I do not belong to my area of children parents take the initiative to come to our vaccination out-patient vaccination, Comrades heart is very pleased, but my heart knows that the risk of this work is great, I will continue to improve their awareness of vaccination, and continue to learn professional skills, better for the majority of parents and children.

  In xxxx to obtain a successful physician qualification certificate, after a lapse of three months registered practicing qualification certificate, in August xxxx to obtain a qualification certificate, in my unit has been working for five years, I hope the leadership can be discretionary for my salary, approval, be grateful .


  I XXX Limited is a cashier, in the xxxx October 16 to enter your company, has been six months time. First of all thank the company leaders for my concern and attention, provided me with such a platform and work opportunities, so I quickly into the work. As a cashier, I know the importance of the job and the arduous work, I have been full of enthusiasm, proactive, earnest work, and leaders and colleagues in the care of help with the rapid get training and growth , And accumulated a certain amount of financial experience and familiar with the car sales process.

  Since the induction, in the company development atmosphere and corporate culture under the leadership of a newcomer from the beginning of my career has grown into a qualified financial personnel, from the simple transactional work to deal with the complex to adapt to the work, smooth Through the test and accepted by the company team. According to the actual situation of the company, my work is divided into three large: administrative personnel, insurance and financial single. Although the workload of each piece is not large, but the overall coverage is broader, cumbersome work. In the work, I learned a lot of knowledge, not only to enhance their ability to make their knowledge has been widened, in addition, I use the free time to learn in October 20xx passed the national primary accounting Title examination, has made the national accounting junior titles. And through the study to upgrade the continuous upgrading of their professional knowledge and skills. Now I have learned something, but also for the future development of the company, make a modest contribution to the power!

  At present, with the rising cost of rent and living, based on my love of the company and the leadership of my trust, given the scope of the current terms of reference and work intensity, I hope the monthly salary is X yuan, on the basis of the original XX (Originally XX yuan), in order to reduce the pressure of life. If the company leadership that my current work content and capacity has not yet reached the monthly salary of XX requirements, I hope you can put forward Ken-Ken's comments or suggestions, so I have a future direction and goals, to enhance their ability at the same time Will work better, to a higher goal.


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