
读后感 2023-09-23 网络整理 晴天


  this term i read a novel called pride and prejudice which is famous all over the world for many years. this type of novels not only at that time attracted broad readers, today, it still gives the readers unique art enjoyment.

  the author, jane austen, was a british novelist who was born in a small country town. her father was a local vicar. austin didn't go to regular schools, but she read many literary works at her parents' guidance. she started writing about the age of 20, and published six novels. jane was unmarried all her life. for living in a small country town, contacting the medium and small landlords, pastor as well as their quiet and comfortable living environment, there were no significant social contradictions in her works. she described a truthful picture of her world, especially the marriage and love between gentleman and ladies by her meticulous feminine observation. the style of her works is humorous and rich in comic conflicts, so many readers love them. from the late eighteenth to the nineteenth century, vulgar and boring sentimental novels and gothic novels were full in british literary. but jane’s novel iconoclastic showed mid-class of daily life and pastoral scenery in british countryside at that time which had not been capitalist industrial revolution impacted,. although the breadth and depth of the reflection was limited, it played good effect to change the vulgar atmosphere in novels.

  why is it called pride and prejudice? elizabeth and darcy’s story can explain. darcy loved elizabeth at first sight at the ball. but the arrogant character caused by the growing environment stopped his initiatively close to elizabeth. elizabeth as anyone else believed he is haughty and stubborn. the more darcy loved elizabeth, the more he would not shown on the surface insteading of making apathy. he thought if elizabeth would be proud after knowing he loved her, so his character of pride stopped this happening. elizabeth prejudiced against darcy deeper and deeper. in her eyes, he even became a sinister, hypocritical people. as darcy more loved elizabeth, he finally was unable to restrain to show his love to elizabeth. he certainly thought elizabeth would accept, but he didn't know how about his image in elizabeth’s eyes. so he was surprised when elizabeth refused him. his arrogance had suffered a blow. but from then on, they began to candid exchange, then misunderstandings gradually eliminated. later, inadvertently knowing that darcy properly handled her sister lydia and wickham’s elopement, elizabeth’s attitude changed. darcy was not arrogant as others thought. after elizabeth’s rejection, he began to reflect on the self-examination and treated people with more populist. finally, regardless of his aunt’s strong objection and concept of family, darcy proposed to elizabeth again. elizabeth willingly consented. she began to appear her lively side to darcy.

  the characters have their own personalities. mrs. bennet was a woman who was eager to marry off her daughters. mr. bingley was a friendly young man, but his friend, mr. darcy, was a very proud man who seemed to always feel superior. even the five daughters in bennet family were very different. jane was simple, innocent and never spoke evil of others. elizabeth was a clever girl who always had her own opinion. mary liked reading classic books. actually she was a pedant. kitty didn’t have her own opinion but liked to follow her sister,

  lydia. lydia was a girl who followed exotic things, handsome man, and was somehow a little profligate. i personally like elizabeth best, not only because she was clever and beautiful, but she was a person who knew clearly of her thoughts. she was not afraid to express what she felt, and had no fear of being embarrassed, for nothing honest should be shameful to her. be told at that time, this was very valuable for a lady from a large boudoir. just because of this quality, she had her own mind in love, and she and darcy composed a wonderful family after passed various troubles.

  the first sentence in this book is impressive. it says: “it is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife”. the undertone is very clear: the foundation of the marriage at that time is not emotion but possession.

  as far as i considered, people can’t divide people by rich and poor. everyone is equal on every aspect such as character and knowledge. no one can be arrogant because of wealthiness or high status, and also can't be self-abased with economic poverty. this truth relating to our daily life is like that we should not be proud or produce arrogance mood when we make a few achievements,. learning is endless. we should know that there must be many people clever than ourselves. we must think out a way to study better than others. the vanity is caused by prejudice in the text. one cannot distinguish good and bad just because the beautiful and ugly appearance. elizabeth hated darcy because of darcy's arrogance generating by wealth and wacker's rumors. without complete understanding, she prejudice against him. as the saying goes, "men cannot be judged by their looks." whether study, life or anything else, one cannot see its essence only from the appearance. pride and prejudice are our common weakness and shortcomings. every person actually is easy to be driven by his own subjective impression. so it can comment easily to other people under incorrectness, then it will cause misunderstandings between each other. a person’s first impression can affect many things. not he must change, but you should more deeply know about him, then you will have more objective opinion, just like the heroine's opinion of darcy in the novel changed because of knowing. or if the people in the world no longer have pride and prejudice these two bad behavior customs, this world will more harmonious and friendly.


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