
论文格式 2023-11-11 网络整理 晴天


  at present, writing theses, basically use word as the basic tool for writing a paper, does not recommend the use of wps, please download the full version of word, so as to make your paper more normative and standard, print out no wrong.

  then we started writing. to write a specification of the graduation thesis, is a let a person shine at the problems of the major, graduation thesis topic is very important for the paper itself, the graduation thesis topic represents the main research content of your article, a good title, can let the readers" interest, arouse the reader"s interest and desire, let the readers want to read on. undergraduate graduation thesis topic should adopt two blackbody, and use the b bold, centered, only undergraduate graduation thesis topic can use bold, absolutely can not use bold text.

  following the title here is your graduation thesis"s subtitle, if there is no subtitles are not written. followed by two lines below, in the right author wrote this graduation thesis"s name and student id, and then write your tutor name, and the small number of the song, b.

  then this part is a general description, the article mainly describes the content, what is your graduation thesis writing, what is the direction of research, according to the requirements specification of the graduation thesis, abstract should be written in [within], and by using the times new roman font, and abstract is to be bold.

  abstract some according to the requirements of the school to set up english abstract, in this remind, english pick to adopt literal translation, paraphrase is better, for example:

  【at present, domestic and foreign research on rural finance numerous, their research also have their own characteristics, but from the perspective of empirical analysis of rural finance a comprehensive set of evaluation index system and empirical analysis of the writings still rare. foreign scholars such as gurley, shaw (1955), goldsmith (1969), mckinnon (1973, king), levine (19931996), made from a variety of perspectives on rural financial evaluation; arestis, demetriades and luintel (xx) the design of the financial effect of the indicators analyzed.after world war ii, the u.s. economy led to mass tourism development boom, triggered a large demand for middle and low accommodation facilities; intercity highway network built, many of the hotel is to launch a motel, which will promote the motel the popularity. 1952 founded holiday motel motel development in the absorption of the past based on the experience improved quality of service, and the first attempt to take standardized way to copy products and se rvices, in just ten years"time along the u.s. highway network rapidly.】

  the text also uses the times new roman font, with a fifth, arial font. in the text above the general will write a keyword, keyword can be understood as the tags, if you don"t write key words, the procedures can


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