[暑期社会实践报告]暑期社会实践报告 琴行打工(中英文版)
l 微笑 微笑 微笑
l 了解怎样保养乐器
l 知道很多新歌
l 懂得吉他 暑期社会实践报告
王永 他是一个酒吧乐队的贝斯演奏员,在店里他是电子乐器部门的负责人,他能演奏店里的几乎所有乐器,弄出好听的音乐。这是一个很好的人也有很多朋友,有时他们来店里玩,还叫上我一起去吃晚饭,晚饭时我们谈论音乐,真是有趣。
邓华 他热爱吉他,他说他不仅是爱吉他的声音而且爱吉他本身。我喜欢跟他聊天,总是能从他那里学到新东西。他不仅是一个有才能的吉他手,他也是一个很好相处的好人,他总是快乐的,发烧时除外。
众女士 女销售员们很有耐心、热情、说话声音也很大,她们似乎对我很好奇,总会问我很多问题,比如:你多大啦?你父母是做什么的?你有女朋友了吗?这让我不太舒服也不知道是不是应该每问必答。
work experience
mike wang
from march 15th, i started to work at a music instrument shop called “best friend music co., ltd”. i have learned to play guitar and drum in this shop. i like this place and everyone in this store. that is why i choose to work here. as i hoped, i was very happy in every minute of these 30 hours.
in my work time i cleaned guitars, moved electronics and met customers. i didn’t know that instrument sellers must clean all the instruments when they start their day at work. once i was in the store at 9:00an, i was asked to clean all the guitars. it looks like an easy job to do, but it’s really not. i must do it very carefully because even if you just touch any small part of an instrument, its tone would be changed. i saw a woman was cleaning a piano. she even clean the inside of the piano. moving an electronic piano is a hard work. you have to be strong enough to move it without any harm. meeting customers and introducing the instruments is the main part of the job. whenever a customer comes into the store i must greeting them, and see if there is anything i can for them.
during the work experience i’ve learnt that how to talk to people when you try to sell an instrument. sometimes the very popular instruments get very low profit and hard to sell. so you have to find something special to tell. for a sells person, these are the most important things:
l smile smile smile
l know how to take care of instruments
l know many new songs
l know guitar
i was really impressed by people who are working in the store
wang yong
he is a bass player in a bar band. he works in the store as a sells man and in charge of electric instruments section. he can play all the instruments in the shop and making beautiful music. he is a very nice guy and has a lot of friends. his friends are very kind people too. sometimes they come to the store and even invited me with them for the dinner. we were talking about music. it was fun.
deng hua
he loves guitar, and he told me that he not only love the sound of guitar but itself. i like to talk to him and i can always learn something new from him. he is not only a very talented guitar player, but also a very nice and funny guy to be with. he always happy except when he got fever.
group of women
women sellers are very patient, warm-hearted and speak very loud. they seem very curious about me and always ask me questions like: how old are you? what do your parents do? do you have a girlfriend? that makes me really uncomfortable and i’m not sure if i have to answer all those questions.
sometimes there are some college students come to buy a guitar. they are very easy to be with. we had a lot to talk about. we like different kinds of music and always try to persuade each other.
working in a instrument store is very interesting. so many things are totally different with what i thought before i worked there. i use to think that the biggest group of instruments customers is the teenagers which crazy about music, especially rock’n roll music. but i was wrong. actually the biggest groups of customer are those who have some money, elderly, and have free time to enjoy their life.
i don’t think music would be my occupation. but for sure, it would be my hobby of my entire life.
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