
自我评价 2023-08-18 网络整理 晴天




  Since entering the university strict demands on themselves, and consciously study, and actively participate in the practice of various sports, and enhance individual comprehensive ability and all aspects of quality.

  Ideology, the pursuit of advanced, pragmatic, willing to forge ahead, positive and progressive. In the school as a student cadre during the strict demands on themselves, a serious and responsible, helpful, and actively carry out student activities, enrich students life between classes, and consciously assist the class cadre, the Department of cadres planning, organizing various sports activities, have a certain ability and The enthusiasm to participate in the work. In many activities by the teacher's recognition and the recognition of students. Learning, love of professional, good grades, practical experience. I take the initiative to put into practice, and actively participate in social practice. In the work from the unfamiliar to the familiar, from a loss to be handy. On this basis, gained a lot of practical experience, establish a strong sense of responsibility, dedication, improve their language, communication, organization, work ability and the Aspects of quality. For the future in the real position of the work to establish a solid foundation, provides a strong backing.

  Life, cheerful, generous, like with people, style, practical and helpful.Often participate in the activities carried out in the department, and in the activities of positive, upward, strict demands on themselves, and many times in the hospital, department, class style competition with students to achieve outstanding results.

  Five years of college life, constantly enrich themselves, to enhance their own but also accurate and timely understanding of their own shortcomings and shortcomings, but I believe the future of learning life, in the practice of tempering, will avoid weaknesses, continuous improvement, Constantly improve and grow!


  This practice makes me deeply feel the difference between theory and practice, from now on, not only to seriously learn the theory of knowledge, but also to focus on strengthening the practical hands-on ability to make their own more comprehensive development of a comprehensive development of the project, . At the same time, engineering measurement is also a technical live, it needs to measure personnel seriously, careful, patient; team members should also work together, as far as possible in all aspects of measurement to maintain a high accuracy, the only way to efficiently complete our Of the measurement tasks.

  In fact, this measurement makes me feel the deepest is the close cooperation between the players, measurement has just begun, we are a group of nine people is not clear division of labor, the results of measurement work was very slow, but we soon found Measurement work is included in all aspects, and we immediately assigned a good task, have defined their own work, such as: in the measurement of elevation, the need for two feet to help the staff in two turning points to help leveling, a classmate Responsible for adjusting the instrument and readings, and a student is responsible for correcting readings, record data, in addition, there is a student specifically responsible for data checking, so, in order to ensure that the measurement of the surveyor's work smoothly; another example: We divided into three groups, one group with a steel ruler, the other with a tape measure at the same time, there is a group responsible for processing data and drawing. In this way, we have a clear division of labor, unity and cooperation, and efficient completion of our measurement work.

  In addition, the measurement work is complicated and complicated, including many details, such as selecting the datum point, marking, installing the instrument, adjusting the level, setting the level of the ruler, aiming at the target, recording data, processing the data and checking the error. So many details, to say which is more important, in fact, each aspect is very important, each step can not be errors, or it may retest, to bring unnecessary trouble measurement. To give an example: a vertical ruler, a central level of a circular level, when the ruler to try to bubble in the middle position, which is a technical live, you need to Mozhun the law can be fast and accurate to the standard foot righting , But can not arbitrarily put the ruler to the ground a stand, otherwise it will make the data deviation and need to re-test, delay measurement process. Therefore, the measurement must develop a serious and careful work attitude.

  The measurement practice, but also let me understand the hardships of construction and measurement of the importance of the work. In order to ensure that internships can be completed on time, our group members get up almost at six o'clock every morning, arrive at the measuring location, place the instruments, then take turns to eat breakfast, and sometimes do not take a nap at noon , The afternoon until dark can not see the time Hou back to dinner, to stay later also stay up to the day of data processing, often to 12 o'clock in order to go to bed ... ... the whole week is so, we all Very hard. However, in my view, although a little tired, a little hard, this a few

  Days is my most fulfilling days. Because in the past few days inside, I not only learned a lot of classroom learning not the measurement of knowledge, but also to develop some good habits, which for my future development will be of great help. Measurement practice is about to end, I will sum up the practice of this pros and cons, find their own shortcomings, and through future efforts to learn to make up for my shortcomings, prepare for the future career in order to achieve greatersuccess!


  This practice makes me deeply feel the difference between theory and practice, from now on, not only to seriously learn the theory of knowledge, but also to focus on strengthening the practical hands-on ability to make their own more comprehensive development of a comprehensive development of the project, . At the same time, engineering measurement is also a technical live, it needs to measure personnel seriously, careful, patient; team members should also work together, as far as possible in all aspects of measurement to maintain a high accuracy, the only way to efficiently complete our Of the measurement tasks.

  In fact, this measurement makes me feel the deepest is the close cooperation between the players, measurement has just begun, we are a group of nine people is not clear division of labor, the results of measurement work was very slow, but we soon found Measurement work is included in all aspects, and we immediately assigned a good task, have defined their own work, such as: in the measurement of elevation, the need for two feet to help the staff in two turning points to help leveling, a classmate Responsible for adjusting the instrument and readings, and a student is responsible for correcting readings, record data, in addition, there is a student specifically responsible for data checking, so, in order to ensure that the measurement of the surveyor's work smoothly; another example: We divided into three groups, one group with a steel ruler, the other with a tape measure at the same time, there is a group responsible for processing data and drawing. In this way, we have a clear division of labor, unity and cooperation, and efficient completion of our measurement work.

  In addition, the measurement work is complicated and complicated, including many details, such as selecting the datum point, marking, installing the instrument, adjusting the level, setting the level of the ruler, aiming at the target, recording data, processing the data and checking the error. So many details, to say which is more important, in fact, each aspect is very important, each step can not be errors, or it may retest, to bring unnecessary trouble measurement. To give an example: a vertical ruler, a central level of a circular level, when the ruler to try to bubble in the middle position, which is a technical live, you need to Mozhun the law can be fast and accurate to the standard foot righting , But can not arbitrarily put the ruler to the ground a stand, otherwise it will make the data deviation and need to re-test, delay measurement process. Therefore, the measurement must develop a serious and careful work attitude.

  The measurement practice, but also let me understand the hardships of construction and measurement of the importance of the work. In order to ensure that internships can be completed on time, our group members get up almost at six o'clock every morning, arrive at the measuring location, place the instruments, then take turns to eat breakfast, and sometimes do not take a nap at noon , The afternoon until dark can not see the time Hou back to dinner, to stay later also stay up to the day of data processing, often to 12 o'clock in order to go to bed ... ... the whole week is so, we all Very hard. However, in my view, although a little tired, a little hard, this a few

  Days is my most fulfilling days. Because in the past few days inside, I not only learned a lot of classroom learning not the measurement of knowledge, but also to develop some good habits, which for my future development will be of great help. Measurement practice is about to end, I will sum up the practice of this pros and cons, find their own shortcomings, and through future efforts to learn to make up for my shortcomings, prepare for the future career in order to achieve greatersuccess!


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