
自我评价 2023-08-16 网络整理 晴天




  I am motivated, hard-working and practical. After the University of learning has been engaged in the construction and security staff of the ability, a solid professional knowledge. Graduated a year of work experience, engaged in the construction management of the project are: Meishan Silverpeng International Hotel Project, Chengdu Museum of the new museum project, Daci commercial cultural complex project, Chengdu Yintai Center Steel Building, Northeast Sichuan natural gas with high Sulfur plant. Now I can work in engineering construction, project management, safety management and so on. Self from the West China Normal University project cost management undergraduate has all passed, two construction division examination has been adopted. Phoenix Nirvana, want fire clusters, I firmly believe that hard work will have a reasonable return. I hope that I can find a satisfactory destination, together with the cause of the bright future, to a better tomorrow!

  At the beginning of this year, we carried out the situation and the task education in the whole workshop, combined with the plastic parts of the chemical plant reform, education workers to establish a sense of crisis, competition consciousness, innovation consciousness. A profound understanding of "quality service is electric workers in a benefit" meaning.How to understand the "rapid and reliable handling of accidents, maintenance of high-quality equipment in good condition"? Through the large and medium-sized enterprises to improve the quality of the workplace, through the large and medium-sized enterprises, Discussion, workers clearly recognize the deepening of the situation in the reform, their own interests and the company and the plastic parts of the chemical plant production and management are closely related. If you want to win in the competition, we must enrich themselves, improve the overall quality. Put themselves in the production workshop in the position. To raise the awareness of service and improve the quality of work as the workshop on the team, the main basis for the assessment of individual workers, workers for the production of service attitude improved significantly.

  In March, a major overhaul of the injection device. We have a total of 19 sets of motor maintenance, repair circuit breaker 3, 28 sets of lighting installation, test equipment and building 439 ground, to solve the 35KV substation 3 # bus cable leakage major hidden dangers. To ensure the safety of production and equipment spare. At present, the plastic parts of the electrical equipment in good condition to reach 9xxxx, power factor remained at 0.93 or more, 2 6KV substations are intact substation, 10 low-voltage substations in 9 is a good substation Therefore, the rate of 9xxxx.


  In August this year, I came to the xx-xx hospital laboratory work, the first probationary period is full, do a laboratory trial period summary. In the probation period, do everything we can, from the little things to start, from me to help others, to establish the image of college students four good youth.

  First, establish and improve the laboratory rules and regulations, standardize the behavior of laboratory personnel

  Before I came, not a full-time inspectors, so the rules and regulations in the laboratory is not perfect. In order to standardize the laboratory, I establish and improve the rules and regulations of laboratories and laboratory personnel code of conduct, standardize the reporting methods, and clear laboratory personnel responsibilities and obligations, so that the laboratory gradually into the standardization.

  Second, careful and meticulous, and constantly improve the level of volunteer service

  Take the blood routine, the manual method is to count the cells with a microscope, do one to half an hour, I will do the average of two reports, so to do a blood routine will take an hour. The instrument is regularly maintained, maintained and cleaned, and the service life is extended. In order to avoid errors due to wrong take, wrong to see the specimen caused by the accident, for inpatient specimens, I strictly implement the "three check three pairs" system.

  Third, to strengthen learning, theory and practice will be combined

  Most of the projects in the lab were original manual operations, and many of the methods and operations I just listened to the teacher said how to do in order to adapt to work as soon as possible, I read a lot of information and books to find the manual operation of various projects, In the existing equipment, equipment to improve the work of the method, the cumbersome operation of simplification, and repeated practice, in the shortest possible time in a variety of manual control, greatly improving the efficiency.

  Fourth, actively participate in various voluntary activities.

  We volunteer and support volunteers to visit the village with the poor students, to collect information and help; to visit and condolences to the five guarantees for the elderly; and epidemic prevention colleagues under the village of vaccines, health and epidemic prevention health knowledge to thousands of households.

  3 months probationary period fleeting, I would like to summarize the work through the laboratory probationary period, thanks to the leadership of support, and colleagues to help. I believe this will be my next life on the road the most valuable spiritual wealth.


  In the probationary period, I received the leadership of the careful teaching and colleagues to help, hereby express my heartfelt thanks. Below, the work of a month to work in the form of summary of personal reports are as follows:

  1. Quality of work, achievements, benefits and contributions. Do a good job in the work before the personal work plan, there are primary and secondary successively in time to complete the work to achieve the desired results, the quality and quantity of the completion of work, high efficiency, while studying a lot of things, but also exercise Their own, through unremitting efforts to make the work level has been great progress, and create a new situation for the work of the laboratory to make its due contribution.

  2. Professional knowledge, ability to work and specific work. During the laboratory work, the laboratory work fine trivial, but in order to do a good job, I am not afraid of trouble, to the supervisor to ask, to learn from colleagues, their practice, carefully study the relevant professional knowledge, and constantly improve their theoretical level and overall quality. Improve the ability to work in the specific work in the training became a skilled laboratory technician, to complete the laboratory work satisfactorily and satisfactorily.

  In this month, I have the spirit of "work to do a good job," such a goal, the successful completion of the following successful work:

  (1) open-minded learning, diligent in practice, serious study GB and customer standards and operating procedures, careful observation of colleagues operation, the theory of bonding practice, proficiency in all laboratory tests and report the results of the accuracy.

  (2) to assist the laboratory director to do all kinds of documents and records.

  (3) to assist laboratory supervisors to do the work related to laboratory management.

  3. Work attitude and hard work. Love their own work, be able to take seriously every work seriously, enthusiastic for all services, earnestly abide by labor discipline, to ensure timely attendance, high attendance, absence of absence Kong phenomenon, the effective use of working hours, adhere to the post, need to work overtime Work overtime on time to complete the work to ensure that work can be completed on time. In style, to abide by the rules and regulations, unity colleagues, to be realistic, optimistic, progressive, and always maintain a strict and serious work attitude and meticulous work style, diligent, hard working. In life to carry forward the hardships and plains, diligence and diligence, helpfulness of the fine tradition, and always be honest man, diligent work, diligent and simple life.

  Summing up the work of the past month, despite some progress and achievements, but in some areas there are still deficiencies. Such as doing things more careless, more introverted personality, individual work is not enough to do, which needs to be improved in the future work. Later in the laboratory, I will carefully study the operational processes and management systems, in-depth understanding of the principle of various instruments and maintenance measures, and strive to improve the quality of culture and a variety of work skills for the development of the laboratory to make more and more The contribution. Some efforts to open a new situation in the work!


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